.. _installation: Installation ============ Currently we have use `Fabric`, a tool for streamlining administration tasks, to deploy |gwm|. Before installing |gwm|, make sure you have all the required :ref:`dependencies` installed. Installing ---------- #. Download and unpack the `latest release `_, currently this is `0.9.2 `_. :: # Use wget or curl to download from the command line. wget https://code.osuosl.org/attachements/download/3231/ganeti-webmgr-0.9.2.tar.gz #. Change to the project directory. :: cd ganeti_webmgr #. Run Fabric to automatically create a python virtual environment and install required dependencies. This may take a few minutes. :: # Deploy a production environment fab deploy .. versionchanged:: 0.10 `fab prod deploy` is now `fab deploy`. `fab dev deploy` is still the same. .. Note:: If you would like a more noisy output, adding `v`, as in `fab v deploy`, will provide more verbosity. #. While in the project root, copy the default settings file **settings.py.dist** to **settings.py**: :: cp settings.py.dist settings.py Minimum Configuration --------------------- Getting |gwm| up and running requires a minimum configuration of a database server. If you don't have a database server available, and are fine using SQLite, you can skip this step. #. Edit **settings.py** and change the database backend to your preferred database along with filling any any relevant details relating to your database setup. :: 'default': { # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgresql', 'mysql', # 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'. 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.', # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. 'NAME': 'ganeti.db', # Not used with sqlite3. 'USER': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 'PASSWORD': '', # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. 'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. 'PORT': '', } Initializing ------------ #. Initialize Database: MySQL/SQLite: :: # Create new tables and migrate all apps using southdb ./manage.py syncdb --migrate Postgres: .. Note:: This assumes your doing a fresh install of |gwm| on a new Postgres database. :: ./manage.py syncdb --all ./manage.py migrate --fake #. Build the search indexes :: ./manage.py rebuild_index .. Note:: Running **./manage.py update\_index** on a regular basis ensures that the search indexes stay up-to-date when models change in Ganeti Web Manager. Next Steps ---------- Congradulations! |gwm| is now installed and initialized. Next, you'll want to look into :ref:`configuring` and :ref:`deploying`, if you are going to be setting up a production instance. Otherwise, if you just want to play around with |gwm|, or are :ref:`developing `, take a look at :ref:`test-server`.