SSH Keys

Ganeti Web Manager allows users to store SSH Keys. Each virtual machine has a view that will return SSH keys for users with access.

Configuring User SSH Keys

As an User

  1. click your username in the menu sidebar
  2. use the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons to manage your keys

As an Admin

  1. click Users in the menu sidebar
  2. click the edit button for the user you want to edit
  3. use the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons to manage your keys

SSH Keys script

Ganeti Web Manager provides a script that will automatically generate an authorized_keys files

$ python util/ [-c CLUSTER [-i INSTANCE]] WEB_MGR_API_KEY URL
  • WEB_MGR_API_KEY is the value set in config.yml settings file
  • URL is a URL pointing to the GWM server
  • CLUSTER is the identifier of a cluster
  • INSTANCE is the hostname of an instance

The GWM server URL has some flexibility in how it may be specified; HTTP and HTTPS are supported, as well as custom port numbers. The following are all valid URLs:

CLUSTER and INSTANCE are optional. Including them will narrow the list of users to either a Cluster or a VirtualMachine.

SSH Keys Ganeti hook

If you want your VMs to automatically copy the ssh keys from GWM, then you can use the included ssh keys ganeti hook found in util/hooks/ Copy that file onto every node in your cluster in the hooks directory for the instance definition you’re using (i.e. ganeti-debootstrap). Copy and set the variables in util/hooks/sshkeys.conf into the variant config and/or the instance definition config file. Make sure that the hook is executable and all the variables are set include changing the API Key.