.. _configuring: Configuring =========== .. todo:: Go into details on what settings do in settings.py. This should probably stick to our specifics, and provide links to Django. Probably will want to reference specific sections of docs for settings (VNC). Deploying a production server requires additional setup steps. Required -------- #. Change your **SECRET\_KEY** and **WEB\_MGR\_API\_KEY** to unique (and hopefully unguessable) strings in your settings.py. #. Change the ownership of the ``whoosh_index`` directory to apache :: chown apache:apache whoosh_index/ #. Ensure the server has the ability to send emails or you have access to an SMTP server. Set **``EMAIL_HOST``**, **``EMAIL_PORT``**, and **``DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL``** in settings.py. For more complicated outgoing mail setups, please refer to the `django email documentation `_. #. Configure the `Django Cache Framework `_ to use a production capable backend in **settings.py**. By default Ganeti Web Manager is configured to use the **LocMemCache** but it is not recommended for production. Use Memcached or a similar backend. :: CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', } } #. For versions >= 0.5 you may need to add the full filesystem path to your templates directory to **``TEMPLATE_DIRS``** and remove the relative reference to **``'templates'``**. We've had issues using wsgi not working correctly unless this change has been made. Optional -------- VNC --- #. Set **VNC\_PROXY** to the hostname of your VNC AuthProxy server in **settings.py**. The VNC AuthProxy does not need to run on the same server as Ganeti Web Manager. :: VNC_PROXY = 'my.server.org:8888' SSH Keys --------