Running Tests

Ganeti Web Manager has a fairly complete test suite. Running the test suite is fairly simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

To start testing, set TESTING in your settings to True. After that, you can just run the test suite: test

(The above command assumes you’ve set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable as detailed in the configuration documentation.)

Every time Ganeti Web Manager is pushed to Github, the Travis CI testing tool automatically runs every test in the suite, and marks the push as working or not.

Writing Tests

Ganeti Web Manager has a fairly complete test suite. New code should have matching tests. Before committing code, run the suite for Ganeti Web Manager and Object Permissions

./ganeti_webmgr/ test ganeti_web
./ganeti_webmgr/ test object_permissions

Clean up after yourself

Remember to tear down any resources you set up in your tests. Don’t use “YourModel.objects.all().delete()” to clean up your objects; it could be hiding bugs. Clean up exactly the resources you created.

Test your setups and teardowns

To speed up analysis of broken tests, if you have a setUp() or tearDown() in a TestCase, add a test_trivial() method which is empty. It will pass if your setUp() and tearDown() work.


All views should be thoroughly tested for security, checking to ensure that the proper HTTP codes are returned.

  • Test Anonymous User access
  • Test Permission based access
  • Test Superuser based access

Check for invalid input.

  • missing fields
  • invalid data for field

Templates & Javascript

The test suite does not yet include full selenium tests for verifying Javascript functionality. Some basic tests can be performed using Django’s test suite:

  • Check objects in the context: forms, lists of objects, etc.
  • Check for existence of values in forms.

See Selenium test specs for more information on what Selenium can test within GWM.

Any assert statement will take the optional kwarg of ‘msg’. This kwarg will be output instead of an error in the test. It is a very useful argument for debugging.

self.assertTrue(False, msg="And what else floats? A duck!")


Here are a few pointers for testing forms.

If there is an error in the test for form.is_valid() a good way to find out what form fields are giving trouble is by checking form.errors.

form = MyFormWithErrors()
self.assertTrue(form.is_valid(), msg=form.errors)

All Django forms generally accept ‘initial’, ‘instance’, and ‘data’ keyword arguments, but forms will behave differently depending on which of these arguments you pass in.


This is probably the easiest of all the form tests to work with, because it is what you are so used to seeing.

# data is a dictionary
form = MyForm(data)
for field in form.fields:
    self.assertEqual(data[field], form.cleaned_data[field])


Initial is a unique case in which I have not found an easy way to check if the initial values of the form were properly set. Checking against form.fields[field].initial will not work as this is set to the value of the initial keyword argument originally passed into the form field.

# initial is a dictionary
form = MyForm(initial=initial)
for field in form.fields:
    self.assertEqual(initial[field], form.fields[field].initial) # This will *NOT* work!


Forms that are passed the instance keyword argument will have set the ‘instance’ property on form. Thus you can test form.instance against the instance you passed in.

# instance is an instance of a model
form = MyModelForm(instance=instance)
self.assertEqual(instance, form.instance)